Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Plastic Bags Part II

I can never have a perfect movie experience. There will still be inconsiderate people who bring "outside" food in. I guess it's fine if it's just a sandwich. The other day i went to catch Batman Begins, there was 2 fellas who were VERY busy with their food in their plastic bags during the trailer, holding and eating their food from their ZHUAR LONG! Nevermind... still trailers.... "You better finish before the show starts." They did. And they were spared. However another dude beside them was not so lucky. I think he brought his own peanuts 'cos they were in a clear small plastic bag. (GV don't pack them in plasticbags...do they?) And everytime he reached into the plastic bag for his nuts, DAMN NOISY lor! Inconsiderate fool. Knnccb. I turned around and told him to be quieter. He didn't say anything he just looked at me. It stopped for a while....

And sometimes you sit in front of some dude who just always kick your chair. Stretch with consideration please. please.

And kids who talk. Parents please rein them in.

And nachos should be just banned. Popcorn...is like an icon when you think of movies so i can't ask it to be banned.

And LOUD chewing of chewing gums. "This is not your fucking own home theatre."

I don't know what to say anymore. Maybe i'm anal. i give up.

1 comment:

walking dilemma said...

i know this is rather late, but i do remember that you like to eat nachos at movies lor... tsk tsk... how can you ask for it to be banned??