Friday, November 26, 2004

That ass is at it again.

Every Friday afternoon, he will start blasting his music for the whole office to hear. He's at this corner in the office and he has his own hifi. Nice music nevermind...but he blasts heavy metal stuff! I'm fine with it but at 120 decibels and in an office? (The floor vibrates.) Comm'on! Too much.

Nobody dares to tell him about it. They will just shake their head. I got so agitated the last time he did that, i slammed down my phone and walked over to turn down the volume! And in full view of my boss. He looked amused probably because i haven't shown or doesn't look like one who will show my anger. That ass wasn't even at his desk!

Try la .. play louder... see what i will do later.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

In the mood for:

The Killers
The Postal Service
Modest Mouse (nobody i know likes modest mouse)
Mylo (when is the freaking album gonna be out here?!!?!)