Friday, May 21, 2004

On filling up online forms:

If user decides to cancel the operation, why is there no cancel button provided.

gta, originally uploaded by redsnapper.

mine mine mine mine mine mine...if only. i still can't stop playing this game.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

beaufort, originally uploaded by redsnapper.

Just another black and white photo for you.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

ritz, originally uploaded by redsnapper.

For those who are always posting photos to your blog, check out They have some really great features like uploading from your phone and "live" dragging and drop sharing photos with other users. You can even email images to Flickr!

The interface is pink and blue and grey and white and clean and easy to use. And i love the different greetings like 'Lo redsnapper! Hur mår du?. Though i don't know what that means. And it's kinda like a friendster and imagestation rolled into one. Which means you can write testimonials for your friends. Woohoo!

The only gripe i have is that you have to upload your photos to your shoebox and then you have to "make" the image public before you can post it on your blog. I mean...who wants to see my personal photos? of me and of me and of me and of me?

Oh and if you are using ie on mac os9...don't try cutting and pasting text into the description in blog this. It will just shutdown ie and then the fonts in the system turn funny looking. Or maybe it's just on my lousy mac.